Appealing job ads
It’s not easy writing appealing job ads that stand out from the crowd among the masses of other online vacancies. They need to be well targeted and easy to find.
The staff at Manpower’s Center of Recruitment Excellence (CORE) write hundreds of job ads every month for our clients – they know how to attract the talented individuals you’re looking to hire. So, why not have our experts write your job ads, too?
Get in touch with us today – no strings attached!
Use our checklist
Suppose you’ve placed a job ad online but it’s attracting the wrong candidates. Use the checklist below to work out whether it needs tweaking to get the results you’re looking for:
1. Does my job ad include all the information a reader would need?
2. Is my job ad easy to find online?
3. Does the wording resonate with my target group?
4. Is my ad distinctive enough among similar job vacancies?
5. Does my ad contain any typos or other errors?
6. Have I clearly and concisely listed all the job’s must-have requirements?
7. Have I posted my ad correctly in the right channels?
8. Will it attract applications from high-quality candidates?
Get your job ads written
Struggling to attract the right candidates or write a clear, concise job description? We offer the following:
How to improve your job ads
• €199 per job ad or five for the price of four (€796)
• specific recommendations by email and explanation by phone
• turnaround time – one working day after receipt of complete request
Get Manpower to write your job ads for you
• search engine-optimised wording based on job market data
• €449 per job ad or five for the price of four (€1,796)
• tailor-made job ad by email and explanation by phone
• turnaround time – one working day after receipt of complete request

Need help?
Fleur Oosterveer | Center of Recruitment Excellence
+31 (0)88 282 8128 | [email protected]
Job ads are a critical part of your organisation’s image and identity. That’s why it’s so important they project the right tone and attract the right candidates.